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日本潜旅 – Day Six

Day 6 与那国水下考古潜

早上睡了一个懒觉,8点半起床,9点抵达潜水店,穿上干衣之后,乘上车前往码头。潜水店处于岛的东面,而码头处于岛的西面,10分钟不到,我们就抵达了码头,可见该岛之小。10点,我们出发前往目的地海域探索与那国水下古城。但是天公不美,刮起了南风。一般情况下潜水店会劝客户放弃,因为南风会带来大浪,但是我们千里迢迢的来到此就使为了看水下古城,怎么能到门口而不入呢? 再说我们几个的技术都还是不错的,于是,潜水店尊重我们的决定,有2个导潜和我们一起下。一入水,我立即感受到了这里潜水环境的不同。一片的大蓝水,能见度绝对在30米以上,光是这一点就让我们比较兴奋了。

跟着导潜,我们一路向古城前进。正当我纳闷只见一片石头而不见古城的时候, 我们其实已经在古城的范围内了,转了一个弯,巨大的古城石台出现在面前。日本的学者对这个古城还存在争议,有部分人认为这个是自然形成的, 但是当你一旦在它面前的时候, 你就知道这个不可能是自然形成的。整齐的石头平台,成90度的切割,光滑平整的表面,甚至一阶阶的台阶,这个绝对是人工才能生成的。如果那万分之一的几率证明是自然形成的, 那我们不得不感叹大自然的魔力。



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日本潜旅 – Day Five

Day 5: 赶路


下午440分抵达与那国机场,潜水店的小工已经早早的等在了机场,上车之后,5分钟就开到了潜水店。大家随即把潜水装备留下,签身死状,然后去酒店check in。在与那国,我们选择了和北海道一样的民宿,这有些像国内的农家乐,只不过我们住的民宿都是潜水店自己开的。唯一美中不足的就是这里竟然没有internet 网络提供给主客。用完晚饭之后,8点钟,大家觉得时间还早,于是决定一起出去找些乐子。在与那国这么小的地方,要找点乐子,恐怕就是喝酒了,于是我们一行5人,在酒店旁边找到一家传统的日式居酒屋,点上几扎啤酒,来上几瓶清酒,日式烧烤,鱼生,我们紧接着吃起了第二顿。一直搞到晚上10点大家才晃悠悠的走回酒店睡觉。

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日本潜旅 – Day Four

Day Four 东京

31日一早,我们早早的起床,赶7点钟的大巴前女满别机场,此时,潜水店的员工全体出迎,站在门口一起对我们说谢谢,并且深深懂的鞠了一个躬。从一开始的接待,到潜水时除了厨娘全体员工出动,连老板也来帮忙,上下水时细致的服务,甚至跪在地上为我我们穿脚蹼和调整脚配重,这不由得让我感叹他们的服务品质。经过1个多小时的大巴,我们抵达女满别机场,随后搭乘925分的飞机返回东京,仍然入住JAL City Hotel 放下行李之后,在Hiyachi先生的带领下,我们游览了日本皇宫,浅草寺。由于东京只是作为我们转机的中转站,所以并没有留多少的时间,基本上就是到一个景点,拍照,走人。由于之前的信息错误,被告知我们在日本的停留点都可以刷卡结算,所以大家都没有带多少的现金,结果在北海道,一结帐,17万日元,就几乎把大家的现金都用光了。所以我在日本满大街的找银行取钱。日本的银行鲜有支持通过VISAATM机上取钱的机器。在找了4个银行后才发现了一个。后来朋友告诉我说,在他刚买的lonely planet一书上写道:日本是个使用现金的国家,而要想从VISA取钱,只能去邮局。


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日本潜旅 – Day Three

Day Three 网走市 ,知床县,冰潜


一潜结束之后, 一上岸,几个导潜马上过来协助脱卸装备,随后递上热咖啡和热茶让我们暖身子。而稍做休息的我们,随即跑到冰面上玩耍拍照留念。之后证明这其实是一个错误,对于玩冰潜,潜水之间的间隔应该好好的喝些热茶,在暖房里面戴着,以提升自己的核心体温,而我们却在冰面上玩耍,所以在之后的第二潜,一下潜就觉得自己头冻 的发疼,虽然过了10几秒后恢复正常,但是我的脚却慢慢的冷了下去,我看了看表,才下来了10分钟,我决定坚持一会儿,但是过了一会儿, 脚越来越冷,我随即决定这一潜到此结束,毕竟安全第一。于是我给我潜伴打了个手势,示意他我要上升了, 最后告诉导潜我要上升,在他的引导下我回到了水下集合点,沿着锚绳上升。当我快到冰面的时候, 我赫然发现我的潜伴在我前面, 后来才知道这家伙也冷的不行了, 但是好面子,等着别人说上升呢

回到酒店,大家沐浴更衣, 而酒店的电视也在转播智利地震引发的海啸对于日本沿海的作用。从预警上来看,我们所处的北海道将遭遇到海啸,大约会有高度为一米的大浪,而冲击时间从下午1点半开始。潜水店的德国小伙子,潜店的英语翻译Sabastuan也拿他的canon 5D在露台上搭好三角架,准备记录这个自然现象,但是可惜我们等了将近一个小时,海啸还是没有来。



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日本潜旅 – Day Two

Day Two: Tokyo  羽田 ->  网走 女满别


下午一点,飞机准时起飞,于下午2点30分准时抵达网走女满别机场。随后我们搭乘下午3点出发的大巴,于下午5点20抵达Utoro知床。 潜水店的工作人员接我们前往潜店,我们2天的吃,睡,潜水都在这个潜水店里面。




这个时候,老林 又开始数落我们之中的衰神二代了,呵呵。

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日本潜旅 – Day One

Day one @  Tokyo

226日,阴,有雾,一早起床前往虹桥机场搭乘东航航班。潜水装备,应对从零下6度到24度的多套衣服,和之前重金购入的干衣,满满的三个包。在机场会合了此行的潜伴:老林,海军,Lawrence, 和林建之后,checkin, 登机,飞往日本东京羽田国际机场。


Hiyachi先生, 老林的朋友,一个60多岁的,非常nice的,做事情非常仔细地日本老头,在我们出发前已经为我们作了大量的准备工作,而他也是我们在东京2天期间的义务导游。

一出关,亲新的空气迎面扑来, 天上蓝蓝的天空, 地上没有一点杂物,日本给我的第一印象就是干净。

从机场出发,我们一行6人,15个包,足足占用了3taxi才能装下,随后将我们送至JAL City Hotel。短短10分钟的车程,收费2150日元,折合140多人民币,让我立即体验到了日本的高消费。

从日本机场出关,到出租车司机的服务,以及酒店前台的那张始终保持着微笑的脸庞上,我体会到了日本人服务的品质。虽然我也是做customer service的,但是对日本人这一步一鞠躬,三句话带一句谢谢的服务,我也不由得感到一丝的满意,至少从表面上看,感觉还是不错的.

日本酒店的特点小而精致,空间面积比香港的酒店还小,但是麻雀虽小,五脏具全,并没有给人一种拥堵的感觉,反而处处显示起精致。例如,由于空间原因,两张窗之间没有国内酒店的那种宽大的床头柜,取而代之的是一个小桌子,而时钟和闹钟则是嵌在墙中的。而卫生间的一个小细节更能说明问题,卫生间的玻璃,在台盆正上方这一块是不会被水蒸气影响的, 也就是说当你洗完早之后,会发现卫生间的玻璃除了这一部分之外,其他的地方都是雾蒙蒙的水汽。这样丝毫不影响你的使用。非常人性化的一个设计。

放下行李之后, 大家搭乘地铁/城铁出发前往池袋,去日本最大的潜水店MIC21补充装备。日本的地铁系统应该说在目前是比上海先进的,地铁一共有13条线路,还不算火车/城铁线路,而火车/城铁线路都是和地铁连接在一起的,这样构成了东京地面、地下庞大的轨道交通网络。日本地铁分正常列车,这一般就是站站停,快行列车,这个要跳开几站,和急行列车。即使对于Hayachi这个日本人来说,每次都要查看地铁线路图才能知道乘那个颜色的线路和购买多少费用的票。虽然线路众多,但是地铁依然十分的准点,当然这部分上海地铁做的也很好。

MIC21,你能够想到的装备和你没有看到过, 也没有想到过的装备这里都有。尤其是一些潜水的小附件,更能够吸引我们的目光。仅它店里的屯货,没有上千万的人民币,根本吃不下来。

离开MIC21,我们前往东京最著名的秋叶原电子一条街,在这里,你能够买到你所能够想到的所有电子产品,众多的商家竞争使得每个商家都想尽办法吸引顾客。整个秋叶原到处可见穿着可爱服的制服女郎在做广告,街道两边霓虹灯成片却看上去非常的舒服,路上的行人熙熙攘攘,汽车非常受规矩的排着队,在没有红绿灯的地方, 只要人行道上有人, 汽车都会停下来等待,没有任何一辆车子试图违规超车,这时我突然发现在街上逛了那么长的时间竟然没有听到过一声汽车喇叭声。

Hiyachi先生明显忘记了今天是周五, 是周末,所以没有事先预定饭店,结果我们只能跟着他找饭店,不过好在这个区域的饭店颇多, 而在这个本土人士的带领之下, 我们最后去了一家只有日本东京本地人才知道的传统日式餐厅,日式烧烤, 鱼生,日式小火锅,Hiyachi先生把日本美食一个个的介绍给了我们,而本地的日本清酒入口更是十分的舒适,即使像我这样第一次喝的人也开始爱上他了, 不过据Lawrence和老林介绍说在上海却找不到如此地道的清酒,也许是加热清酒的温度控制原因吧。日本的酒桌规矩是对方给你到酒之后,要给对方到上来回敬,就在这杯盏交换之间,我们已经喝掉了5瓶清酒,就在这微醉似醉得状态中,我们走出饭店,漫步在银座商业中心之中。虽有同行的某某人一直惦记着银座的KTV,但是我们都是好人,只停留在口high的阶段罢了。


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刚刚被一朋友忽悠了一通,去俄国白海与白鲸一起冰潜,进入北极极地,还能看北极光, 突然间就觉的我的心开始扑通扑通的跳了, 有一点点抵抗不了诱惑了. 开始心动了.






White Sea General Information
The White Sea is one of the most beautiful among the seas of northern Russia. The nature here is untouched by man, and the local animal life is rich and unique. Being part of Russia’s inland sea it belongs to the Arctic Ocean basin. Every winter Greenland seals make their rookeries in the northern part of the White Sea and their calves are born there. In summer birds team-up on uninhabited islands to hatch eggs and rear their chicks. The sea is also home to the White whales.
The deserted seashores and numerous uninhabited islands provide scenic panoramas. Steep rocky shores are alternated with flat strips of taiga and mixed forest.
Underwater Life
The underwater world of the White Sea boasts excellent scenery and magnificent sea life. You will see soft corals, sponges, starfish, crabs, hermit crabs, sea urchins, shrimps and sea anemones. Underwater rocks provide dwelling places for cod, wolffish, sea perch, butterfish and flounders. In winter lancet fish, tomcod flounder and pinogor will allow you to approach very closely.

The temperature of the water in winter is -0.5°C /23F at the surface and goes down to -3°C/26F at depth. Salinity of the White Sea is 27.5–28 parts per thousand, lower than the mean salinity of the Arctic Ocean. Tides are regular and semi-diurnal. Tide speed varies from 0.1–4m/sec. Water visibility ranges from 15–50m.

The climate of the White Sea is very changeable and unpredictable. The White Sea winter is long and severe. The mean temperature in February is -15°C /5F and may fall as low as -26°C/ -15F, and even -40°C when the Artic air masses take possession of the sea. The ice may be up to 1.5m thick. At times, warm air from the Atlantic raises the air temperature to +6°C/ 42F.
Places of interest
The Solovetski Archipelago treasures a monastery founded in XV century – a holy place for many Russian Orthodox followers. In the 1930s, the ancient Monastery was turned into the first Gulag concentration camp where thousands of people were martyred. The Archipelago was inhabited in the Stone Age, and many Neolithic monuments, labyrinths and dolmens can be seen here.
How to get to the Arctic Circle Lodge ?
There are various possibilities to get to the Arctic Lodge.
You can go by train from Moscow and St. Petersburg or fly up to Murmansk.
The most easy way we recommend is to fly via Helsinki to Kusaamo.
Please contact us or your travel agent for international flight reservations, and inform us of your arrival date, time and flight number so that we can book hotel and airport transfers for you.

If you prefer to stay longer in Moscow, St. Petersburg or Kuusamo we will be glad to book accommodation and arrange a special programme for you. This could include, for example, city sightseeing, theatre visits, etc.

Where to fly to ?
Finnair flies directly from London Heathrow to Kuusamo, other flights might have a stopover via Helsinki.
Our representative will meet you at the Kuusamo airport upon your arrival and you will have a 7 hours transfer to the Arctic Circle Lodge through the Finish – Russian border Sala.
Transfer prices from Kuusamo airport to the Lodge € 214 one way.



Ice Diving Programme
Waterproof Expeditions offers in co-operation with the Arctic Circle Dive Centre an ice diving programme every year from February to April.
Diving is performed with safety ropes according to PADI standards using experienced instructors and dive guides, and includes 2 dives per day and diver transport to diving sites by snowmobile.

A mobile diving camp is set up on diving sites. Wooden cabins on sledges provide shelter for changing, for drying of equipment and include a common room module for lunch and socializing. A heated wooden shelter is placed just over the ice-hole (maina) for those who prefer a heated space between dives.

Instruction in basic Arctic survival will be a part of the programme in order to show divers how to read the ice and establish a safe diving environment, including how to deal with frostbite and the potential hazards of Hypothermia.

What can we see and what can we do ?
Fantastic underwater ice formations, caverns and fissures. Life underwater: soft corals, sea anemone beds, Gorgon’s head brittle stars, hermit crabs, numerous starfish, and seaweed forests. Underwater cliffs and their inhabitants, an ice-diving safari, snorkelling with belugas and the wonderful Russian winter! Snowmobile rides to dives at the mobile ice camp.
And of course great hiking opportunities around the lodge.
Diving and snorkelling with Beluga’s
All year round it is possible to observe, dive and snorkel with Beluga Whales. Two male Beluga whales have been introduced to a natural habitat (a special enclosure divided from the open sea by a net), not far from the Dive Centre, as part of a joint project between the Arctic Circle Dive Centre and the Utrish Dolphinarium, owned by the A. N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, part of the Russian Academy of Sciences. One of these white whales performed in Sharm El Sheikh and Saudi Arabia before. The plan for the future is to bring female Beluga whales and to expand the territory where beluga whales will thrive.

To dive with Beluga whales a supplement of 145 Euro will be charged.
If you prefer to snorkel the costs are 66 Euro.

Diving Requirements
All dives are carried out in-line with the International Federation PADI standards
These standards consist of:
Diving in a buddy system which is part of the safety technique of the recreational diving. Stay close to your buddy throughout the dive, pay extra attention to this when one or both of you are photographing or filming.
Follow the diving rules, which the representative of the Dive Centre has laid out during the briefings.
No diving under the influence of drugs and alcoholic or the remains of drugs or alcohol intoxication.
The diver should realize that in case of rules violation or non-fulfillment of safety technique standards, the representative of the Dive Centre can refrain the diver from the dive or the whole program of diving.

For recommendations on your dive equipment please check out the information on Dive Equipment in the section Travel Resources.

Requirements for the ice diving programme participants
Diving program participants must hold an Ice Diver Certificate from one of the international underwater federation or have made 5 registered under-ice dives.
It will be necessary to demonstrate the following abilities to the instructors in the course of the check dive;
Cleaning the mask out of water;
Changing the main regulator to the reserve one and vice versa;
Tapping into the buddy reserve regulator. Conducting an emergency rising to the surface breathing by means of the buddy reserve regulator;
Using the safety rope;
Buoyancy control;
Communicating with the buddy and with the tender;
Overturning upside down under ice and getting back to the standard position.

Divers without the necessary experience can undertake an Padi Ice Diver Course at the Arctic Circle Dive Centre.

Dive sites at the Arctic Circle Lodge
There are a wide variety of underwater rocky landscapes within the vicinity of the Arctic Circle Dive Center. Straits with rapid currents for drift diving and wrecks, offer additional experiences.

At the Cape Kindo site, the water depth increases very gradually. A gentle slope reaching 50–70m with a very well outlined belt of Laminaria and other kelps represents the relief. Hermit crabs, crabs and starfish populate the seabed, including the cold-water species Urasterias and Pteraster. This is the place to meet the big predatory gastropods of the White Sea such as Neptunea and Bukcinum.

Krestovi Islands
In the vicinity of Krestovi Islands, there is a rock overgrown with sea anemones (Actinia metridium) and a bank with very beautiful soft corals, more sea anemones (Actinia sp) and sponges. Here one can come across hermit crabs, starfish (Urasteria sp) and a rare brittle star (Ophiuroidea gorgonacephalus) with the exotic name of the ‘Head of Gorgon’.

The top of the bank is 14–18m below sea level. The steep northern slope of the bank extends to a depth of more than 50m. A gentler southern slope reaches 28–30m and the bank diameter is about 15–20m. Here you will also find a shipwreck, a fishing vessel with body length of 12m, overgrown with Ascidiacea sp and sea anemones (Actinia sp).

Isle Kastyan
During dives at Isle Kastyan you will see a virtually vertical wall perfectly lighted by the midday sun. You will see bright Actinia sp and Ascidiacea sp, gastropods and Nudibranchiata molluscs moving unhurriedly on the rock shelves. Your attention will also be drawn to starfish on the seabed as well as to middle-sized lancet fish hiding in the rock crevices.
Strait of Velikaya Salma
Drift diving is performed in the Strait of Velikaya Salma near to islands of Kandalaksha National Park. The speed of tidal current here reaches 2m/sec. You will float over forests of Laminaria, purple-fish, and colorful sponges, as well as meadows of shell rock overgrown with Ascidiacea sp and hydroids.

At Biofiltry Bay diving is organized near to vertical rocks overlooking picturesque stone blocks covering the seabed. Local dwellers are starfish and Ascidiacea sp, and one can come across Nudibranchiata molluscs, gastropods and bivalve molluscs. The name, ‘the bio-filter bay’, comes from the numerous water filtering aquatic animals that inhabit this area. The bay is free from sea currents.

Training Sites
Training dives are performed in the neighborhood of the dive center pier. This is the ideal place to practice dry-suit-diving techniques and underwater swimming. The bed of the sea is flat here and 7–10m deep. There is no sea current. Despite the very smooth and plain relief of the seabed, there is a host of things to look at, including soles, big hermit-crabs, Nudibranchiata molluscs, starfish, eel-like Pholidae sp, tittlebat and bullheads.


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DUI 第一潜!

蛙轴悬浮,顶尖中性浮力, 中性浮力游动,进气管拆装,不断的充气放气,以各种姿势游动从而习惯各个体位下中性浮力的控制。自己默默的把干衣所需要的动作要领一个接着一个的复习。
短短40分钟已经让我过足了瘾,可惜,最大水深只有1.6米,唉。。。。。早点下海吧,有了DUI,我全球各地都可以玩啦,从零下2度的冰潜,到12度水温的冷水潜,再到24度,有些凉意的巴厘岛潜水看mola mola,再也没有一个潜点能够从装备上限制我的行动了!
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